Carrying out an act specific to the position they represent (article 420), or when they are received or requested as a reward for any of the aforementioned behaviors (article 421). It includes the case that the official or authority merely accepts gifts in consideration of his position (article 422). The Jury Court will also prosecute the facts when the individual who offered or gave the gifts or favors is judged (article 424). On influence peddling (articles 428 to 430) The facts consisting of influencing an official or authority , also being one and using the position, to achieve a resolution for one's own or another's economic benefit, both direct and indirect, will be tried by the Jury Court (article 428). Also if a private individual is responsible for the events (article 429), or if gifts or rewards are also requested by the person who offers to carry out the described conduct (article 420). On embezzlement of public funds (articles 432 to 434) The crime of appropriating.
Public property by an authority or public official who disposes of it due to his position is also the jurisdiction of the Jury Court (article 432). It includes the case that the public official or authority does not appropriate said assets, but allocates it to private uses (article 432 bis), or allocates it to a public use other than that intended (article 433). The Jury Court will also be competent to prosecute facts related to the crime DM Databases committed by a public authority or official consisting of falsifying the accounting or documents that reflect the economic situation of a public entity to cause economic damage (article 433 bis). Fraud and illegal exactions (articles 436 to 438) Included in this group are crimes consisting of the following conduct carried out by an authority or public official: Agree or coordinate with those interested in acts of public contracting in those who intervene in your position (article 436). Demand, in any way, fees or fees that are not legally due.
Abuse one's position to commit the crime of fraud or fraud in benefits from the Social Security System (article 438). Obtain an increase in assets or cancellation of debts greater than 250,000 euros than their accredited income, without justifying it (article 438 bis). Negotiations prohibited to officials (articles 439 and 440) These crimes are also the jurisdiction of the Jury Court: The commission by an authority or public official who takes advantage of their intervention in contracts or operations, due to their position, to force or facilitate their own participation in such businesses, directly or through an intermediary (article 439). The same crime, but committed by experts, arbitrators and accountants, guardians, curators, executors and bankruptcy administrators with respect to appraisals, partitions or businesses in which they intervene in compliance with their duties (article 440). On infidelity in the custody of prisoners (article 471) Finally, the Jury Court will be responsible for prosecuting the crime committed by the public official in charge of the conduct or custody of a convicted person, prisoner or detainee who facilitates or facilitates his or her.