You will have understood: your objectives must be defined precisely and regularly . Some SMART objectives will therefore have an annual deadline, others quarterly. This way, you have a ready-made organization. of the company's progress and the results of your SMART objectives. It is also the time to make decisions: should we continue the actions put in place or not? smart-objective Here are 10 examples of SMART objectives.
Multiply by 10, within 12 months, website traffic and the number Phone Number Data of inbound leads by implementing an inbound marketing strategy. This includes the creation of 4 blog contents each month, the creation of 3 white papers, optimization of Call-to-Action (CTA) on the website, the implementation of a marketing automation tool and the creation of nurturing scenarios. Example 2: Increase the conversion rate for leads from digital marketing by 30% within 3 months by implementing nurturing scenarios.
Salespeople will thus have more qualified and more mature leads. Example 3: Increase the number of new leads by 15% each month by adding , on 30 of our blog articles, a Call to Action (CTA) inviting you to download a white paper and/or request a demo. Example 4: Increase the number of Facebook followers by 30% in the space of 2 months , by doubling our publications, and setting up a Facebook Ads campaign.