本帖最後由 FranceTelegramD 於 2024-3-12 13:05 編輯
Financial compensation, but is stipulated in the contract or agreed in a collective agreement. In any case, their hours of work shall not be less than thirty calendar days and they shall receive equal remuneration. Vacation is a mandatory right to be away from work. The Difference between Workers’ Regulations and Collective Agreements When we talk about the difference between labor contracts and Labor Laws, we mention the Collective Agreement, which is also a tool that regulates company.
A collective agreement is an agreement reached a France Telegram Number Data ive bargaining between workers' representatives and the company. These are valid for a certain period of time and set out the conditions of work and the rights and obligations that both parties have. Like employment contracts, collective agreements are more specific and apply to specific activities. However, if there is no collective agreement regulating a specific work activity, the Workers' Regulations will be responsible for doing so.

In short, the Workers' Law is the basic regulation, and collective agreements and labor contracts regulate the activities that workers are carrying out. The Workers' Regulations must always prevail over any other provisions, therefore if a collective agreement or labor contract contains any clause that violates the Workers' Regulations, this regulation cannot be adhered to, but the latter must be respected. Entrust your HR tasks to software developed specifically to meet your needs. Try Factory now and feel the difference.