chatbots, while 60% of executives believe they have onlyfollowed suit at instead of adopting a more strategic approach. The pace ofadoption remains highly variable and one of the points on which manufacturersagree is that these technologies must be a top priority for 2023, with 72% ofthem expressing this opinion. With the deployment of AI solutions, companiescan manage their CX resources more intelligently, reduce costs and offer newservices. Conversations on all channels Conversational CX was born out of theneed for seamless interaction between customers and brands and businesses,regardless of the channel used.tool for manufacturers to attract new customers and retain them. Here too wesee,
at least in theory, a clear impression of progress. 71% ofexecutives who provided Chinese Malaysia Phone Number List feedback for the Zendesk 2023 Customer ExperienceTrends report are rethinking the entire customer journey to make it smootherand better able to help customers where and when they need it. Now is the timeto take action. With the integration of conversational CX tools across alltouchpoints, businesses can meet customers where they are and respond to theirneeds quickly and easily. Tailored interactions Manufacturers increasingly needto know their customers better. Once they know them, they are better able tooffer them a service adapted to their needs. Two-thirds of manufacturers (67%)plan to increase their budget for personalization in the customer experience
over the next 12 months, which is expected to improvecustomer trust and retention and reduce costs associated with acquiring newcustomers. A particularly important step in personalization is theestablishment of a formal method to be able to note customer emotions andexploit this information with the aim of optimizing future interactions. Thisis clearly an area for improvement in the industrial sector. In fact, less thana third (29%) of companies explain that customer sentiment is already used topersonalize the customer experience. Merging data and teams The latest CX trendhighlighted by the Zendesk report relates to organizational silos. These siloscan be problematic because different teams across different regions, functionsand products can