Prohibition of the import of counterfeit goods at customs , you can enter designations into the customs register of intellectual property objects TROIS . This will allow the import of marked goods into the territory of the Russian Federation only by official importers - those who have received the appropriate permission from the owner of the trademark. Other goods will be considered counterfeit and will not be able to clear customs. Thus, on the Russian-Finnish border in September , customs detained a batch of pneumatic firecrackers with the image of Mickey Mouse.
The right to the trademark belongs to DISNEY ENTERPRISES, INC, it is included Australia WhatsApp Number Data in TROIS. The firecrackers were transported without permits for the use of the image and were confiscated, and a report was drawn up against the importer under Art. . Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. Possibility of starting a franchise Selling a franchise involves transferring the right to use your name to the purchasing company. Under a concession agreement, the owner transfers his trademark and other exclusive rights associated with it for use to another person Clause of Article of the Civil Code .

It is possible to sell a franchise without first registering a trademark, but this can lead to serious problems in the future: the franchisee may sue and demand damages. A gift for you! Freely available until . Download TOP free neural networks for effective management Will help optimize time for analytics by To receive the file, enter I confirm my consent to the processing of personal data Thus, in judicial practice there is an unsuccessful example of the sale of a franchise to an individual entrepreneur with whom the franchisor company entered into a concession agreement.