Facebook Analytics Google Analytics Brand24 Bazoo ActiveCampaign Optimize Test different advertising creations and choose the most effective ones. Adapt the content published on your blog to the key phrases searched by customers, and verify your newsletters using the open and conversion rates. These are just a few examples of how to easily observe your audience and adapt your Content Marketing activities to them. Monitor the effectiveness of your published content. Only in this way you will be able to choose the most optimal path to your goal. Plan monthly reporting that will improve the analysis of results.
Based on them, verify actions and determine next steps. For example, if you DB to Data observe great interest in the phrase "smart home", take advantage of it and create some content on this topic. Another example could be the exceptionally good results of a specific advertising campaign on Facebook. Analyze what could attract your audience and… replicate the idea! Draw conclusions All information and data are useful when we can put the puzzle together. plan, think about what the numbers in the reports may mean? Which direction should you go to achieve your goals? Your plan should be based on numbers - they don't lie or have personal taste! tel. Write to us Leave your email and we will share interesting content! Name e-mail adress Sign up for the newsletter SocialCube Home contact.
About us Blogcontent they publish are also a valuable source of information about their needs! Cost per lead – this is the cost of obtaining the user's contact details, e.g. via a contact form or subscribing to a newsletter. Number of followers – this is an indicator used in social media analysis. The larger the number of observers, the greater the reach we can achieve. However, it is important that our observers are qualitative. We want "follow" to be clicked by people who are actually interested in the published content. Monitor One of the key measures of Content Marketing is reactions. Especially in the case of paid activities! Regularly check which content is more popular and optimize your strategy. There are many tools available that will allow you to check the results of published materials, including.