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useful to them, and 15% said that one existed, but that theyhad not not used due to lack of interest. Of those surveyed who used adevelopment plan at their current company, 78% said their employer useddedicated software. Some of the most popular tools include training tools ,video conferencing software and project management software . employeedevelopment software to retain employees Two-thirds (72%) of employees who usedsoftware as part of their professional development found it useful. Tip:Overall, it appears that neither employers nor employees have embraced personaldevelopment plans.  these programs requireseffort and resources. Career management tools exist to help companies

develop and monitor training programs for their employees.Employees expect managers Bulgaria Mobile Number List  to be architects of company culture Software can onlydo so much to help with employee retention. Particularly in small businesses,individuals function as the primary architects of a culture that employees wantto be a part of. In this context, managers play a vital role. Employees citednurturing this culture as one of the top skills a manager should have to maketheir jobs easier. Being able to provide positive feedback is the most valuedskill. Maintaining a positive work environment and promoting good communicationare also considered important factors. list of managerial skills Conversely,when management fails to establish and maintain a positive company culture,

employees feel less supported. Here are the three maincharacteristics of a manager who does not support their teams: non-recognitionof work accomplished (49%), no feedback and poor communication (41%), inabilityto create a positive and collaborative work environment (micromanagement,constant monitoring, etc.) (39%). Tip: Recognizing the quality of workaccomplished is clearly an essential skill for good leaders, a process to whichsoftware can help. 58% of respondents to our survey said their company uses adigital tool, for example for performance monitoring. While no specificsoftware came up among the responses obtained, 14% of respondents mentionedemployee monitoring software and 14% software dedicated to performance


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